Window events, used in Window.set_listener callbacks.


@:enum@:implread onlyWINDOW_EVENT_DEICONIFIED:WindowEvent

Deiconified window event.

This event is sent to a window event listener when the game window or app screen is restored after being iconified.

@:enum@:implread onlyWINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_GAINED:WindowEvent

Focus gained window event.

This event is sent to a window event listener when the game window or app screen has gained focus. This event is also sent at game startup and the engine gives focus to the game.

@:enum@:implread onlyWINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_LOST:WindowEvent

Focus lost window event.

This event is sent to a window event listener when the game window or app screen has lost focus.

@:enum@:implread onlyWINDOW_EVENT_ICONFIED:WindowEvent

Iconify window event.

This event is sent to a window event listener when the game window or app screen is iconified (reduced to an application icon in a toolbar, application tray or similar).

@:enum@:implread onlyWINDOW_EVENT_RESIZED:WindowEvent

Resized window event.

This event is sent to a window event listener when the game window or app screen is resized. The new size is passed along in the data field to the event listener.