Push priority used in PushNotificationSettings.priority field (Android only).


@:enum@:implread onlyPRIORITY_DEFAULT:PushPriority

The default notification priority. Only available on Android.

@:enum@:implread onlyPRIORITY_HIGH:PushPriority

Priority for more important notifications or alerts. Only available on Android.

@:enum@:implread onlyPRIORITY_LOW:PushPriority

Priority for items that are less important. Only available on Android.

@:enum@:implread onlyPRIORITY_MAX:PushPriority

Set this priority for your application's most important items that require the user's prompt attention or input. Only available on Android.

@:enum@:implread onlyPRIORITY_MIN:PushPriority

This priority is for items might not be shown to the user except under special circumstances, such as detailed notification logs. Only available on Android.