
@:enum@:implread onlyEMITTER_STATE_POSTSPAWN:ParticlefxEmitterState

Postspawn state.

The emitter is not spawning any particles, but has particles that are still alive.

@:enum@:implread onlyEMITTER_STATE_PRESPAWN:ParticlefxEmitterState

Prespawn state.

The emitter will be in this state when it has been started but before spawning any particles. Normally the emitter is in this state for a short time, depending on if a start delay has been set for this emitter or not.

@:enum@:implread onlyEMITTER_STATE_SLEEPING:ParticlefxEmitterState

Sleeping state.

The emitter does not have any living particles and will not spawn any particles in this state.

@:enum@:implread onlyEMITTER_STATE_SPAWNING:ParticlefxEmitterState

Spawning state.

The emitter is spawning particles.