Enumeration of possible adjust modes of a gui node.

Adjust mode defines how the node will adjust itself to a screen resolution which differs from the project settings.


@:enum@:implread onlyADJUST_FIT:GuiAdjustMode

Fit adjust mode.

Adjust mode is used when the screen resolution differs from the project settings. The fit mode ensures that the entire node is visible in the adjusted gui scene.

@:enum@:implread onlyADJUST_STRETCH:GuiAdjustMode

Stretch adjust mode.

Adjust mode is used when the screen resolution differs from the project settings. The stretch mode ensures that the node is displayed as is in the adjusted gui scene, which might scale it non-uniformally.

@:enum@:implread onlyADJUST_ZOOM:GuiAdjustMode

Zoom adjust mode.

Adjust mode is used when the screen resolution differs from the project settings. The zoom mode ensures that the node fills its entire area and might make the node exceed it.