Prefefined params for Facebook.post_event
read onlyPARAM_CONTENT_ID:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify an ID for the content being logged about.
The parameter key could be an EAN, article identifier, etc., depending on the nature of the app.
read onlyPARAM_CONTENT_TYPE:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify a generic content type/family for the logged event.
The key is an arbitrary type/family (e.g. "music", "photo", "video") depending on the nature of the app.
read onlyPARAM_CURRENCY:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify currency used with logged event.
Use a currency value key, e.g. "USD", "EUR", "GBP" etc. See ISO-4217 for specific values.
read onlyPARAM_DESCRIPTION:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify a description appropriate to the event being logged.
Use this for app specific event description, for instance the name of the achievement unlocked in the facebook.EVENT_UNLOCKED_ACHIEVEMENT event.
read onlyPARAM_MAX_RATING_VALUE:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify the maximum rating available.
Set to specify the max rating available for the facebook.EVENT_RATED event. E.g., "5" or "10".
read onlyPARAM_NUM_ITEMS:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify how many items are being processed.
Set to specify the number of items being processed for an facebook.EVENT_INITIATED_CHECKOUT or facebook.EVENT_PURCHASED event.
Parameter key used to specify whether payment info is available.
Set to specify if payment info is available for the facebook.EVENT_INITIATED_CHECKOUT event.
Parameter key used to specify method user has used to register for the app.
Set to specify what registation method a user used for the app, e.g. "Facebook", "email", "Twitter", etc.
read onlyPARAM_SEARCH_STRING:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify user search string.
Set this to the the string that the user provided for a search operation.
Parameter key used to specify source application package.
read onlyPARAM_SUCCESS:FacebookParam
Parameter key used to specify activity success.
Set this key to indicate whether the activity being logged about was successful or not.