Prefefined events for Facebook.post_event.


@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_ACHIEVED_LEVEL:FacebookEvent

Log this event when a person achieves specific levels you define within your application, business, or organization.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_ADDED_PAYMENT_INFO:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has entered their payment info.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_ADDED_TO_CART:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has added an item to their cart. The.

value_to_sum passed to facebook.post_event should be the item's price.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_ADDED_TO_WISHLIST:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has added an item to their wishlist. The.

value_to_sum passed to facebook.post_event should be the item's price.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_COMPLETED_REGISTRATION:FacebookEvent

Log this event when a user has completed registration with the app.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_COMPLETED_TUTORIAL:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has completed a tutorial in the app.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_INITIATED_CHECKOUT:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has entered the checkout process. The.

value_to_sum passed to facebook.post_event should be the total price in the cart.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_PURCHASED:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has completed a purchase.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_RATED:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has rated an item in the app.

The value_to_sum passed to facebook.post_event should be the numeric rating.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_SEARCHED:FacebookEvent

Log this event when a user has performed a search within the app.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_SPENT_CREDITS:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has spent app credits.

The value_to_sum passed to facebook.post_event should be the number of credits spent.

NOTE! This event is currently an undocumented event in the Facebook SDK.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_TIME_BETWEEN_SESSIONS:FacebookEvent

Log this event when measuring the time between user sessions.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_UNLOCKED_ACHIEVEMENT:FacebookEvent

Log this event when the user has unlocked an achievement in the app.

@:enum@:implread onlyEVENT_VIEWED_CONTENT:FacebookEvent

Log this event when a user has viewed a form of content in the app.