Timers allow you to set a delay and a callback to be called when the timer completes. The timers created with this API are updated with the collection timer where they are created. If you pause or speed up the collection (using set_time_step) it will also affect the new timer.

Static variables

staticread onlyINVALID_TIMER_HANDLE:TimerHandle

Indicates an invalid timer handle.

Static methods


Cancel a timer.

You may cancel a timer from inside a timer callback. Cancelling a timer that is already executed or cancelled is safe.



the timer handle returned by timer.delay()


true if the timer was active, false if the timer is already cancelled / complete

staticdelay<T>(delay:Float, repeat:Bool, callback:(self:T, handle:TimerHandle, time_elapsed:Float) ‑> Void):TimerHandle

Create a timer.

Adds a timer and returns a unique handle

You may create more timers from inside a timer callback.

Using a delay of 0 will result in a timer that triggers at the next frame just before script update functions.

If you want a timer that triggers on each frame, set delay to 0.0f and repeat to true.

Timers created within a script will automatically die when the script is deleted.



time interval in seconds


true = repeat timer until cancel, false = one-shot timer


timer callback function


identifier for the create timer, returns Timer.INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE if the timer can not be created