Properties related to the Physics module.

Static variables

@:value(new Property<Float>("angular_damping"))staticread onlyangular_damping:Property<Float> = new Property<Float>("angular_damping")

collision object angular damping.

The angular damping value for the collision object. Setting this value alters the damping of angular motion of the object (rotation). Valid values are between 0 (no damping) and 1 (full damping).

@:value(new Property<Vector3>("angular_velocity"))staticread onlyangular_velocity:Property<Vector3> = new Property<Vector3>("angular_velocity")

collision object angular velocity.

(READ ONLY) Returns the current angular velocity of the collision object component as a Vector3. The velocity is measured as a rotation around the vector with a speed equivalent to the vector length in radians/s.

@:value(new Property<Float>("linear_damping"))staticread onlylinear_damping:Property<Float> = new Property<Float>("linear_damping")

The linear damping value for the collision object. Setting this value alters the damping of linear motion of the object. Valid values are between 0 (no damping) and 1 (full damping).

@:value(new Property<Vector3>("linear_velocity"))staticread onlylinear_velocity:Property<Vector3> = new Property<Vector3>("linear_velocity")

collision object linear velocity.

(READ ONLY) Returns the current linear velocity of the collision object component as a vector3. The velocity is measured in units/s (pixels/s).

@:value(new Property<Float>("mass"))staticread onlymass:Property<Float> = new Property<Float>("mass")

collision object mass.

(READ ONLY) Returns the defined physical mass of the collision object component as a number.